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Welcome to Genyman

Genyman is a .NET Core Global tool, a new .NET Core feature since the release of version 2.1. You can find more in the official document.

With Genyman it is possible to easily build code generation tools that uses a configuration file as input. This way you can use these files inside your dev environment and generate code over and over again with the same settings.

How to install

To install genyman you need to execute the following command in your console / command prompt:

dotnet tool install -g genyman

After installation you will be prompted:

You can invoke the tool using the following command: genyman
Tool 'genyman' (version 'x.x.x') was successfully installed.

Getting help

When you execute genyman or genyman --help you will get info about all available options.

How to update

To update the tool to the latest version:

dotnet tool update -g genyman


We will add an indication when running genyman if you are not running the latest version in a future release.

How to uninstall

To remove genyman from your system:

dotnet tool uninstall -g genyman